OK - I'm back!!
I haven't posted in my blog for a couple of months. I do things, and I think , Ohhh - I should really update my blog, and it never gets done.
But no point beating myself up, its not like too many people look here anyway, so I shall start afresh and get back into it.
Current WIP:
Cardy for me: knitted in 12ply army green bendigo wools, I'm making a winter jacket for myself from the latest Jet book. Its going well, but cause its kntited in one piece, its starting to get very heavy.....
Jumper for Hamish: I've just got to finish sewing the collar on. Pain in the bum cause I sewed it on the wrong way, so I had to unpick it, and I unfortunately nicked one of the collar rows, so then I had to mend it..... you get the idea. Pain in the bum!!!
Steiner animals: I'm on a mission to get a pile of them made. I've just finished the duck and I'm halfway through a horse. I have about 10 patterns, and plenty of wool, so they are fun little things to do in front of tv during the day when one kid is a wake, and one is asleep.
Clothes: I've started making clothes for Jenna, I have 3 skirts and 3 dresses on the go, plus I have about 5ts and tights cut out. Some of these are gifts for Jenna's cousin, so I need to get them finished and away. waiting for my new overlocker though.....
Cushions: I'm back onto my cushions - I've made a few in the last week, I have to have 50 made for the spring stall in October. I have about 20, so I'm getting there. But my colourways are getting better, so that means they are more fun to put together.
Quilts: Sitll working on my rainbow batik quilt, and I have a new red quilt going which is going to be a long slow one. Just pottering away on it.
Want to do:
I need to knit at least 2 soakers and 2 longies for hamish. I've skeined up some Treliske I have to dye in the next few days, and I just bought some 4BF merino dyed up which I should get in a week or so, so plenty of options.
I'd like to knit something for Jenna, but she's poxy, so its too hard to spend al the time knitting something for jenna and then she wont wear it.... I'll think about it though.
I just got a book fromt he library with fairaisle knitted nursery rhyme hats, scarves and mittens, so I think that might be on the cards. I have recently bought about 6 balls of 4ply bright green, so thats screaming to be knitted up.
I really want to knit some socks. Seems like fun.
I want to do some crochet. I have some great older patterns for kids clothing, that would be fun.
More clothes,
More cushions,
and a new colourwash bargello wall hanging. I have half the fabric chosen but its one of those things that you have to get perfect, so I really need to take my time finding the fabric for this one.
I'm sure there is more..... but now I'm up to date here I'll try and be better posting new stuff, WIP and finished items :D